● PART I The Foundation of Systems Engineering, consisting of Chapters 1-5, describes the origins and structure of modern systems, the current field of systems engineering, the structured development process of complex systems, and the organization of system development projects. ● PART II Concept Development, consisting of Chapters 6-9, describes the early stages of the system life cycl…
It is broadly divided into three parts: PART 1 DC Circuits consisting of chapter 1 to 8, is devoted to dc circuits. It covers the fundamental laws and theorems, circuits techniques, and passive and active elements. PART 2 AC Circuits which contains chapters 9 to 14, deals with ac circuits. It introduces phasosrs, sinusoida…
APPROACH the VCP4 EXAM with CONFIDENCE Before you take Exam VCP410: VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 4 (VCP4), reinforce your test preparation with this concise guide that reviews every thing you need to know for the exam, including how to install VMware ESX/ESXi, configure vCenter Server, and much more. You'll find full coverage of all exam objectives and a CD packed with additi…
a Hands on design and engineering resource that explains the reasons behind the designs. You will get full coverage of materials, components, calculations, specifications, safety, and much more. Hundreds of detailed illustrations make it easy to understand the best practices presented in the book. Piping Systems Manual covers: 1) ASME B31 piping codes 2) Specifications and standards 3) M…
I Liquid Metal Sensing & Online Measurement II Temperature-Related Process Monitoring Systems III Steel Processing; Online Sensors
Power Quality in Electrical Systems enables you to: - Spot & correct key electric-power-quality problems - Achieve full compliance with IEEE standards - Examine switched mode power supplies, rectifiers, and other loads that produce interference - Catch up on the latest standby power systems - Explore power-quality case studies with problems and worked solutions. Inside T…
Ergonomics & Human factors. The book continues the conversation about the evolution of usability, asking how we can design and evaluate these complex systems and the complex work they support. It describes and analyzes approaches to teaching, testing, analyzing, or managing usability studies - approaches that involve technical communicators makng novel contributions to how we think ab…
Part I The Basic Process of Grinding, 1-2 Chapter 1 Introduction, 3-8 Chapter 2 Grinding Parameters, 9-22 Chapter 3 Material Removal Mechanisms, 23-44 Chapter 4 Grinding Wheels, 45-74 Chapter 5 The Nature of the Abrasive, 75-102 Chapter 6 Specification of the Bond, 103-126 Chapter 7 Dressing, 127-166 Chapter 8 Grinding Dynamics, 167-184 Chapter 9 Grinding Wheel Wear, 185-194 …
The processes of manufacture & assembly are based on the communication of engineering information via drawing. The drawings follow standards. including those laid down by the ISO, so that the accurate transfer of information can be guarantee. This is imperative because the information contained in an engineering drawing is a legal specification. The ISO standards are designed to be independent …
Sudah saatnya anda melupakan segala peraturan dan rutinitas baku yang membekukan kreativitas anda. Perubahan selalu terjadi, sehingga mutlak dihadapi dengan kreativitas. Akan tetapi, kreativitas tidak muncul begitu saja tanpa dibarengi dengan imajinasi dan inovasi sebagai senjata ampuh untuk bertahan hidup dalam dunia yang sarat persaingan ini. Buku ini berperan sebagai katalisator instan yang…