Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Case Studies of Implementation of Ergono- mics in Manufacturing 7 Chapter 3 Anthropometry in Workstation Design 17 Chapter 4 Physical Work and Heat Stress 29 Chapter 5 Manual Lifting 39 Chapter 6 Choice of Work Posture: Standing, Sitting, or Sit-Standing? 55 Chapter 7 Repetitive Motion Injury 65 Chapter 8 …
Mechanised shield tunneling has developed considerably since the publication of the first edition of this book. Challenging tunnel projects under difficult conditions demand innovative solutions, which has led to constant further development and innovation in process technology, construction operations and the machines and materials used. The book collects the latest state of technology in mec…
Bagian 1 Kinematika Mesin 1. Konsep-konsep Dasar 2. Sifat-sifat Gerakan Relatif, Metoda Perpindahan Gerak 3. Sistem Rangkaian Batang Penghubung 4. Pusat Sesaat 5. Menentukan Kecepatan dengan Menggunakan Pusat-pusat Sesaat dan Komponen-Komponennya 6. Menentukan Kecepatan dalam Suatu Mekanisme dengan Menggunak…
The bulk of the book provides an in-depth examination of such diverse management and production techniques as the centrally and worker managed systems of Eastern Europe, Kabbutz and Optimized Production Technology in Israel, and the American styles being successfully modified in Western Europe and Canada. An extensive look at Japan introduces workable facilities and production planning, managem…
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Total Output and Income Chapter 3: Production and Growth Chapter 4: Investment and Capital Expenditures Chapter 5: Employment and Unemployment Chapter 6: Spending, Profits and Expectations Chapter 7: Prices, Money, and Interest Rates Chapter 8: Stock Prices and International Trade
Mesin wirecut adalah salah satu jenis mesin EDM (Electro Discharging Machine) yaitu mesin non-konvensional yang menggunakan loncatan aliran listrik untuk memotong benda kerja. Media alat potongnya menggunakan kawat, baik itu kawat dari kuningan maupun kawat dari tembaga. Arus listrik yang dipakai yaitu arus listrik jenis DC. Kawat berfungsi sebagai terminal (-), dan meja yang berhubungan dengan…