PT. YAMAHA INDONESIA merupakan suatu perusahaan besar yang memproduksi piano. Di PT.YI terdapat beberapa sektor diantaranya adalah sektor Leg, sektor leg adalah sektor yang memproduksi kaki piano. Salah satu yang di produksi oleh sektor leg adalah leg ginder. Saat ini permintaan piano semakin banyak, sehingga produktifitas di PT. YAMAHA INDONESIA semakin meningkat. Produksi leg ginder secara l…
The Science and Design of Engineering Materials, 2nd Edition, offers modern coverage of materials by asking the reader to think in terms of properties of materials. This is called an integrated approach because it stresses fundamental concepts applicable to all materials first, then points out the unique characteristics of each material class. The author team has the collective expertise to exp…
1 The Basics 1 2 Electrical Studies 39 3 Auxiliary System Protection 79 4 Generator Protection 119 5 Electrical Apparatus Calculations 167 6 Electrical Operating Guidelines 195 7 Electrical Maintenance Guidelines 225
Chapter 1 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis 21 Chapter 2 Probability Concepts and Applications 41 Chapter 3 Decision Analysis 89 Chapter 4 Regression Models 135 Chapter 5 Forecasting 173 Chapter 6 Inventory Control Models 215 Chapter 7 Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods 269 Chapter 8 Linear Programming Applications 327 Chapter 9…
Rapid advances in computational methods and computer capabilities have led to a new generation of structural identification strategies. Robust and efficient methods have successfully been developed on the basis of genetic algorithms (GA) . This volume presents the development of a novel GA based identification strategy that contains several advantageous features compared to previous methods. Fo…
Chapter 1 Introduction & Basic Concepts , 1-50 Chapter 2 Energy, Energy Transfer, General Energy Analysis , 51-110 Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances , 111-162 Chapter 4 Energy Analysis of Closed Systems , 163 Chapter 5 Mass & Energy Analysis of Control Volumes , 213-272 Chapter 6 The Second Law of Thermodynamics , 273 Chapter 7 Entropy , 327-4…
Two basic parts : Chapter 1 through 4 cover discrete devices and circuits, while Chapter 5 through 14 deal with linear integrated circuits, with considerable emphasis on the operational amplifier.
Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts & Firs Principles , 1-32 Chapter 2 The Second Law of Thermodynamics , 33-63 Chapter 3 Mathematical Formulations of Thermodynamics , 64-95 Chapter 4 Properties of Pure Substances , 96-142 Chapter 5 Equations of State & Corresponding States , 143-180 Chapter 6 Thermodynamics of Flow Processes , 181-231 Chapter 7 Chemical Thermodynamics , 232-310 Chapte…
You can turn to this source for solutions to virtually any problems in the design, installation, modernization, operation, and maintenance of mechanical systems in all types of large buildings and industrial plants. At your fingertips area 195 data sheets that provide easy to use, accurate solutions to specific problems involving several variables. They have been selected on the basis of what …
Kekuasaan. Intrik. Kecemburuan. Hasrat. Ambisi. Cinta segitiga. Di tengah prahara ini, putri dari Cleopatra, ratu Mesir yang paling terkenal, berjuang untuk menemukan cinta dan takdirnya ... Perkawinan Cleopatra dan Mark Antony tak hanya menjadi salah satu kisah cinta paling agung sepanjang masa, namun juga yang paling rumit dengan ambisi dan konsekuensi politik yang terjalin di dalamnya…