I Liquid Metal Sensing & Online Measurement II Temperature-Related Process Monitoring Systems III Steel Processing; Online Sensors
Chapter 1 Introduction , 1-17 Chapter 2 Mathematical Description of Continuous- Time Signals , 18-76 Chapter 3 Mathematical Description of Discrete- Time Signals, 77-114 Chapter 4 Properties of Continuous-Time Systems Chapter 5 Discrete-Time System Properties ,150-162 Chapter 6 Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems , 163-197 Chapt…
Segala sesuatu tentang Mikrokontroler PIC16F84 secara lengkap baik dari segi arsitektur, pembagian memori, aplikasi-aplikasi hingga cara menulis program dan menyimulasikannya. Topik bahasan buku ini meliputi: 1) Pengenalan Mikrokontroler 2) Arsitektur Mikrokontroler PIC16F84 3) Instruksi-instruksi PIC16F84 4) Konsep Pemrograman Assembly 5) Pemrograman Mikrokontroler PIC16F84 6) Interupsi…
1 Getting Started: Introductory Concepts and Definitions , 1-30 2 Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics,31-79 3 Evaluating Properties , 80-145 4 Control Volume Analysis Using Energy , 146-211 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics , 212-254 6 Using Entropy , 255-328 7 Exergy Analysis , 329-389 8 Vapor Power Systems , 390-443 9 Gas Power Systems , 444-533 10 Refri…
I FUNDAMENTALS of MECHANICAL MEASUREMENT (17-378): 1 The Process of Measurement: An Overview , 18-30 2 Standards & Dimensional Units of Measurement,31 3 Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data , 50 4 The Analog Measurand: Time Dependent Characteristics , 123-155 5 The Response of Measuring Systems , 156-198 6 Sensors , 199-243 7 Signal Conditioning , 244-304 …
. Surat dinas resmi pemerintah . Cara menyusun laporan . Anggaran dasar . Pedoman Umum EYD Kehidupan bisnis modern tidak isa dipisahkan dari surat-menyurat komunikasi tertulis via surat kini mendominasi arus informasi bisnis dari sisi yang satu ke sisi yang lain dari dunia ini. Peranan surat demikian penting, namun sebagian terbesar orang yang berkecimpung dalam dunia bisnis dan …
I Memperkenalkan beberapa ide dasar tentang komunikasi tertulis yang berkualitas baik melalui surat maupun memo. II Menyajikan 300 Contoh Surat yang berkaitan dengan 54 situasi bisnis yang berbeda yang bisa anda sesuaikan dengan situasi anda sendiri.
Ergonomics & Human factors. The book continues the conversation about the evolution of usability, asking how we can design and evaluate these complex systems and the complex work they support. It describes and analyzes approaches to teaching, testing, analyzing, or managing usability studies - approaches that involve technical communicators makng novel contributions to how we think ab…
This book is partitioned into four major sections: - Web applications Sins - Cryptographic Sins - Implementation Sins - Networking Sins. > SQL injection > Buffer overruns > Format string problems > Integer overflows > C++ catastrophes > Command injection > Information leakage > Race conditions > Poor usability > Not updating easily > Insecure mobil…
“Machining and CNC Technology” by Michael Fitzpatrick, provides the most up-to-date approach to machine tool technology available, with its integrated coverage of manual and CNC-based equipment. PART 1 Presents the basic modern integrated manufacturing; PART 2 Shows students how to safely set up and run manually operated machines. PART 3 Deals with the goal of transferring manual skills to …