In the area of pressworking tools, machines, and operations. . Mathematical analysis of die components . Detailed steps in die designing . Tooling for different production volumes . New theoretical data on forming beads, flanges, and dimples . The strain factor theory of drawing . Data upon high velocity forming and fluid forming . Extra emphasis on low cost tooling. 1. Pressworking …
‘English for Negotiating’ consists of seven units, covering all the typical stages of a negotiation. Every unit concentrates on one fundamental aspect. At the outset, it is important to prepare thoroughly (unit 1). After the initial goals have been determined (unit 2), the first round of negotiations can be organized (unit 3). Detailed offers are discussed (unit 4), and counter offers are p…
1 Introduction Number Systems and Conversion 1 2 Boolean Algebra 29 3 Boolean Algebra (continued) 60 4 Applications of Boolean Algebra Minterm and Maxterm Expansions 87 5 Karnaugh Maps 123 6 Quine McCluskey Method 167 7 Multi level Gate Circuits NAND and NOR Gates 193 8 Combinational Circuit Design and Simulation Using Gates 225 9 Multiplexers, Decoders…
1 Introduction to nondestructive testing 2 Discontinuities – origins and classification 3 Visual testing 4 Penetrant testing 5 Magnetic Particle testing 6 Radiograhic testing 7 Ultrasonic testing 8 Eddy Current testing 9 Thermal Infrared testing 10 Acoustic Emission testing 11 Digital Radiography 12 Phased Array Ultrasonic testing 13 Ultrasonic Guided wave inspection
It is broadly divided into three parts: PART 1 DC Circuits consisting of chapter 1 to 8, is devoted to dc circuits. It covers the fundamental laws and theorems, circuits techniques, and passive and active elements. PART 2 AC Circuits which contains chapters 9 to 14, deals with ac circuits. It introduces phasosrs, sinusoida…
Memuat 29 bab, handbook Ilmu Komunikasi ini dibagi ke dalam 5 bagian : BAG. 1 TINJAUAN UMUM Pengertian, Sejarah, Pendekatan, dan Metodo- logi dalam ilmu komunikasi. BAG. 2 KODE KOMUNIKASI Bahasa dan teori-teori komunikasi BAG. 3 PROSES-PROSES FUNDAMENTAL Mengkaji soal proses produksi dan pengolahan pesan, bentuk komunikasi interpersonal, per- …
Sebagai orangtua, kita acapkali terperanjat karena mendapat pertanyaan-pertanyaan pelik mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari yang dilontarkan anak-anak. Buku ini membantu untuk mencari kata-kata yang tepat ketika menjelaskan atau menjawab pertanyaan anak.
Throughout industry, “TMEH” is the ready reference source for daily use by: . Manufacturing engineers . Production managers . Die designers . Technicians . Quality control engineers . Process planners . Methods engineers . Foremen . Production engineers . Supervisors. Every aspect of fundamental and advanced techniques and methods in the application of traditional and n…