Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar (ISBD) adalah salah satu mata kuliah kelompok Mata Kuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat (MBB) di Perguruan Tinggi. Visi kelompok MBB di Perguruan Tinggi merupakan sumber nilai dan pedoman bagi penyelenggara program studi guna mengantarkan mahasiswa memantapkan kepribadian, kepekaan sosial, kemampuan hidup bermasyarakat, pengetahuan tentang pelestarian sumber daya alam dan …
BUKU 1 (Bab 1-15) : BAG. 1 PENDAHULUAN Bab 1 Sifat-Sifat Matematika Ekonomi & Bisnis BAG. 2 KONSEP DASAR MATEMATIKA & EKONOMI BISNIS Bab 2 Model Ekonomi BAG. 3 MACAM-MACAM FUNGSI DALAM EKONOMI & BISNIS Bab 3 Fungsi Bab 4 Fungsi Linier Bab 5 Sistem Persamaan Linier Bab 6 Penerapan Fungsi Linier Bab 7 Fungsi Nonlinier Bab 8 Pener…
Buku ini bagi yang telah memiliki pengetahuan ilmu ekonomi dan statistika maupun anda yang menaruh minat mendalami aneka permasalahan ekonomi. Contoh-contoh riil masalah-masalah ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia melalui kliping-kliping berita sera gambar-gambar ilustratif yang menarik, dilengkapi dengan hasil-hasil pengolahan data dengan menggunakan software minitab beserta analisisnya. …
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Total Output and Income Chapter 3: Production and Growth Chapter 4: Investment and Capital Expenditures Chapter 5: Employment and Unemployment Chapter 6: Spending, Profits and Expectations Chapter 7: Prices, Money, and Interest Rates Chapter 8: Stock Prices and International Trade
Key things: . Focus on the students as investment managers by giving them information they can act on instead of concentrating on theories and research without the proper context. . Offer strong, consistent pedagogy, including a balanced, unified treatment of the main types of financial investments as mirrored in the invest- ment world. . Organize topics in a way that …
Since the end of Suharto's co-called New Order (1966-1998) in Indonesia and the eruption of vicious group violence, a number of questions have engaged the minds of scholars and other observers. How widespread is the group violence? What forms-ethnic, religious, economic-has it primarily taken? Have the clashes of the post-Suharto years been significantyly more widespread, or worse, the those…
In Gulf Capital and Islamic Finance, Aamir A. Rehman, the acclaimed author of Dubai & Co.: Global Strategies for Doing Business in the Gulf States, sheds welcome light on the hows and whys of trillions of dollars of Gulf capital, and Shariah-compliant finance--a fast-growing sector that Standard & Poor's values at $750 billion. In addition to incisive analysis of these dynamic, often unfamiliar…
I Pendahuluan 3 II Sistem Telekomunikasi 17 III Sub Sistem Terminal 23 IV Sub Sistem Switching 58 V Sub Sistem Transmisi 109 VI Sub Sistem Catu Daya 168 VII Teknologi & Layanan Infocom 187 PERISTILAHAN TELEKOMUNIKASI : VIII Peristilahan Sistem Telekomunikasi 205 IX Peristilahan Sub Sistem Terminal 222 X Peristilahan Sub Sistem Switching 241 XI Peri…
BAGIAN 3 PEMASARAN USAHA KECIL Bab 12 Kesetiaan Konsumen & Strategi Produk Bab 13 Strategi Penetapan Harga & Kredit Bab 14 Strategi Promosi Perusahaan Bab 15 Saluran Distribusi & Pasar Global BAGIAN 4 MENGELOLA OPERASI-OPERASI BISNIS KECIL Bab 16 Masalah Sosial dan Etika Bab 17 Manajemen Profesional dalam Perusahaan yang …
A focus on fundamental concepts. A wealth of tools to ensure success. Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning focuses on the role taxes play in business and investment decisions, presenting the general roles of taxation and discussing its implications for all tax-paying entities before delving into a specific exception. The benefit of this approach is a strong grasp…
Ekonomi Makro & Keuangan Pertanian & Kelautan Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral Industri & Perdagangan Perhubungan & Pekerjaan Umum Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia. "Berani jujur hebat!"
The topics explored in this collection include: 1) The impact of technological revolution on society & politics, 2) How organizations can extract maximum profit & productivity from knowledge, 3) How new technologies affect not only what work can be done but also how it will be done, 4) Management's potential to be developed into a rigorous discipline, the benefits that …