Bag. I Pendesainan Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Bag. II Lingkungan bisnis Global Bag. III Pembentukan mindsets yang pas dengan Lingkungan Bisnis Bag. IV Pendesainan Struktur Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Bag. V Pendesainan Proses Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Bag. VI Reskilling Manajer (1) Berorientasi ke masa depan (2) Sistem perencanaan dan pengendalian…
Introduction ‘What do we mean by “Strategy for Sustainability” ?’ 1 1 A Different Way to Formulate Your Business Strategy 17 2 Mapping Your Opportunities ‘An Analysis of Society, Technology, and Resources (STaR)’ 43 3 Setting Your North Star & Initiating the TEN Cycle ‘The Tools of Implementation’ 67 4 Using Transparency to Execute Your St…
1. The Corporate Lattice , 1-24 2. The Changing World of Work , 25-50 3. Lattice Ways to Build Careers , 51-78 4. Lattice Ways to Work , 79-98 5. Lattice Ways to Participate , 99-120 6. Lattice Journeys , 121-150 7. The Individual's Guide to the Shifting Landscape , 151-172. The Corporate Lattice provides a framework to help organizations transform how careers are bu…
Prologue: The Field of Polymath Dreams , xxxvii. Part I Sprezzatura: The art of making the complex look easy , 1-49 (Chapter 1 until 3). Part II The R-E-N-A-I-S-S-A-N-C-E Framework: Building blocks for the new Polymath ,51-274 (Chapter 4 until 20). Part III Grooming your own new polymath , 275-302 (Chapter 21, 22). Epilogue: the Beginner's Mind…
“Measuring performance in the organization of the future.” The study was motivated by a belief that existing performance measurement approaches, primarily relying on financial accounting measures, were becoming obsolete. Early in the project, we examined recent case studies of innovative performance measurement systems. One, the Analog Devices case, described an approach for measuri…
Inside this all inclusive resource: 1) Safety overview 2) Subsurface installations & outside force damage 3) Understanding soils from an excavation & shoring perspective 4) Excavation work planning 5) Engineering review of shoring plans 6) In-Depth commentary on OSHA Standards 7) Shoring equipment design & functionality 8) Legal issues 9) Appendix containing OSHA subpart P, Excava- …
Fuel Cell Projects fot the Evil Genius gives you complete plans, instructions, parts lists, and sources to: . Understand how hydrogen could meet our energy needs in a post carbon economy. . Build a fuel cell car to race against your friends. . Build an intelligent fuel cell car which drives autonomously . Build a simple fuel cell using adhesive bandages. . Hydrogen fuel your iP…
1 the Nature of Production Control , 1-6 2 Functions and Documents in the Manufacturing Enterprise , 7-14 3 Forecasting , 15-50 4 Verifying and Controlling the Forecast , 51-69 5 Economic Lot-Size Determinations , 70-89 6 Inventory and Inventory Functions , 90-110 7 Linear Programming , 111-130 8 the Transportation Problem , 131-152 9 Production Planning , 153-170 …
Mengungkapkan: . Cara tercepat untuk membangun bisnis kuadran "B" . Mengapa kata "jaringan" dihargai oleh orang kaya.
Kebiasaan bertelanjang kaki saat berjalan sekarang jarang dilakukan. Padahal dengan berjalan tanpa alas kaki dan saat menginjak tanah yang kasar atau berbatuan, sebenarnya terjadi pemijatan pada syaraf-syaraf kaki. Di telapak kaki, terdapat banyak titik dan daerah yang berhubungan dengan organ tubuh. Adanya pemijatan di telapak kaki akan merangsang dan melancarkan sirkulasi darah. Memijat bagia…
1 Pendahuluan , 1-3 2 Gambaran Besar , 5-17 3 Persiapan Wawancara , 19-35 4 Menyaring Pelamar , 37-50 5 Mewawancarai Calon , 51-64 6 Menyeleksi Calon Final , 65-79 7 Menawarkan Jabatan Kepada Calon Final , 81-91 Merekrut orang yang tepat untuk pekerjaan yang tepat ('the right people for the right job') mensyaratkan persiapan dan pemahaman yang jelas mengenai proses-prose…