Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Total Output and Income Chapter 3: Production and Growth Chapter 4: Investment and Capital Expenditures Chapter 5: Employment and Unemployment Chapter 6: Spending, Profits and Expectations Chapter 7: Prices, Money, and Interest Rates Chapter 8: Stock Prices and International Trade
Key things: . Focus on the students as investment managers by giving them information they can act on instead of concentrating on theories and research without the proper context. . Offer strong, consistent pedagogy, including a balanced, unified treatment of the main types of financial investments as mirrored in the invest- ment world. . Organize topics in a way that …
BAGIAN 3 PEMASARAN USAHA KECIL Bab 12 Kesetiaan Konsumen & Strategi Produk Bab 13 Strategi Penetapan Harga & Kredit Bab 14 Strategi Promosi Perusahaan Bab 15 Saluran Distribusi & Pasar Global BAGIAN 4 MENGELOLA OPERASI-OPERASI BISNIS KECIL Bab 16 Masalah Sosial dan Etika Bab 17 Manajemen Profesional dalam Perusahaan yang …
A focus on fundamental concepts. A wealth of tools to ensure success. Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning focuses on the role taxes play in business and investment decisions, presenting the general roles of taxation and discussing its implications for all tax-paying entities before delving into a specific exception. The benefit of this approach is a strong grasp…
Ekonomi Makro & Keuangan Pertanian & Kelautan Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral Industri & Perdagangan Perhubungan & Pekerjaan Umum Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia. "Berani jujur hebat!"
PART ONE: INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction to Financial Management PART TWO: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. Reviewing Financial Statements 3. Analyzing Financial Statements PART THREE: VALUING OF FUTURE CASH FLOWS 4. Time Value of Money 1: Analyzing Single Cash Flows 5. Time Value of Money 2: Analyzing Annuity Cash Flows PART FOUR: VALUING OF BONDS AND STOCKS 6. Valuing Bonds 7. Val…
Bab 1 Pendahuluan , 1-15 Bab 2 Permintaan, Penawaran, & Ekuilibrium: Suatu Tinjauan , 16-40 Bab 3 Pengukuran Elastisitas , 41-66 Bab 4 Teori Permintaan Konsumen: Pendekatan Utiliti , 67-88 Bab 5 Teori Permintaan Konsumen: Pendekatan Kurva Kepuasan Sama , 89-124 Bab 6 Topik Lanjutan mengenai Teori Permintaan Konsumen , 125-141 Bab 7 Teori Pr…
PPIC ('Production Planning & Inventory Control') secara komprehensif memaparkan berbagai aspek yang perlu anda cermati dalam perencanaan produksi dan pengendalian inventori. Buku ini memperlengkapi anda dengan metode andal untuk menciptakan, mengimplementasikan dan mengendalikan sistem produksi dan inventori yang efektif dan efisien.
1. Strategi Bersaing: Konsep-konsep Inti 2. Rantai Nilai & Keunggulan Bersaing 3. Keunggulan Biaya 4. Diferensiasi 5. Teknologi & Keunggulan Bersaing 6. Pemilihan Pesaing 7. Segmentasi Industri & Keunggulan Bersaing 8. Substitusi 9. Antarhubungan diantara Unit-Unit Usaha 10. Strategi Horizontal 11. Mencapai Antarhubungan 12. Produk Komplementer & Keunggulan Bersaing 13. Sken…
Pendahuluan: Perekonomian Wiraswasta, 1-20 I Praktek Inovasi, 21-154 II Praktek Kewiraswastaan, 155-226 III Strategi Wiraswasta, 227-277 Kesimpulan: Masyarakat Wiraswasta, 278-292