Bab 1 Kegiatan Sekretariat , 1-10 Bab 2 Jabatan Sekretaris , 11-19 Bab 3 Ruang Lingkup Tugas Sekretaris , 20-25 Bab 4 Menyusun/Membuat Surat (Korespondensi),26-42 Bab 5 Menata Arsip (Berkas) , 43-73 Bab 6 Mengurus & Mengendalikan Surat , 74-90 Bab 7 Menerima & Melayani Tamu serta Bertamu,91-96 Bab 8 Menerima & Melayani Telepon serta Menelpon Bab 9 Mengatur Jadual Acara Keg…
Bab I Arti dan Kegunaan Linear Programming , 3 Bab II Metode Simplex sebagai Prosedur Perhitungan , 39 Bab III Metode Dua Fase untuk Variabel Buatan dan Metode Simplex yang Direvisi , 115 Bab IV Persoalan Degeneracy Teori Rangkap , 177 Bab V Persoalan Transportasi , 231 Bab VI Integer Programming dan Analisa Tabel Input Output , 299
Bab 1 Sumber Daya Manusia: Bersaing secara Efektif untuk Menghadapi Abad ke-21 , (1-36) Bab 2 Lingkungan: Menciptakan Tantangan bagi Manajemen SDM , (37-74) Bab 3 Menetapkan Kebijakan dan Prosedur yang Adil (75-109) Bab 4 Perubahan Organisasional dan Perencanaan SDM :Memfokuskan Diri pada Masalah Utama,(110-151) Bab 5 Perancangan Kerja (Job Design): Memenuhi …
I BAB KONSEP & TANTANGAN MSDM berisi uraian singkat tentang hakikat MSDM serta tantangan yang dihadapinya dimasa sekarang maupun dimasa depan, arti manajemen secara umum & uraian manajemen SDM. II BAB PERENCANAAN SDM memuat makna & tujuan perencanaan SDM. Juga dibahas hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam perencanaan SDM serta proses perencanaan itu sendiri. III BAB SELEKSI & OR…
Contents: Foreword , 9 Preface , 12 Acknowledgments , 14 Concept Blocks , 16 Materials , 84 Tools , 94 Applied Technologies , 108 Tips & Techniques , 114 Architectural Concepts , 132 Models , 140. Model Making includes an extensive selection of model blocks, handy and in-depth appendices on materials, tools, construction tips and techniques, as well as a glossary …
Menilik peluang, kompleksitas, fleksibilitas, dan profesionalisme pemimpin di era milenium dengan menyuguhkan tantangan-tantangan di era perubahan ini. . Siapakah 'sang pemimpin' dalam diri anda - si rabun jauh? Si rabun dekat? Si sempurna? Si...? Siapa? . Mengapa penting mengedepankan keunikan pribadi secara jujur, transparan, tetapi berintegritas? . Mengapa kemampuan menolak da…
Preface , 9 1 Introduction to Traffic Engineering , 11-25 PART 1 TRAFFFIC COMPONENTS and CHARACTERISTICS : ( 26-130 ) 2 Road User and Vehicle Characteristics , 27-44 3 Roadways & Their Geometric Characteristics,45-74 4 Introduction to Traffic Control Devices , 75-104 5 Traffic Stream Characteristics , 105-116 6 Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory , 117-130 PART 2 T…
a Hands on design and engineering resource that explains the reasons behind the designs. You will get full coverage of materials, components, calculations, specifications, safety, and much more. Hundreds of detailed illustrations make it easy to understand the best practices presented in the book. Piping Systems Manual covers: 1) ASME B31 piping codes 2) Specifications and standards 3) M…
Chapter 1 Introduction to Discrete-Time Control Systems , 1-22 Chapter 2 The z Transform , 23-73 Chapter 3 z Plane Analysis of Discrete-Time Control Systems , 74-172 Chapter 4 Design of Discrete-Time Control Systems by Conventional Methods , 173-292 Chapter 5 State-Space Analysis , 293-376 Chapter 6 Pole Placement & Observer Design ,377-516 Chapter…
Introduction; Fundamentals; Manual valves; Check valves; Pressure relief valves; Rupture discs; Sizing pressure relief devices; Actuators; Double block and Bleed ball valves; Mechanical locking devices for valves.
Pushed by practices wanting and needing to produce novelty, computer-aided design systems are increasingly parametric - that is, they represent designs that change with their input data. People find parametric computer-aided design systems powerful, but hard to learn and difficult to use. Using these new systems well requires knowledge of design, geometry, computing and the structure of parame…
Fully revised and updated, this guide gives advice on site layout planning to achieve good sunlighting and daylighting both within buildings and in the open spaces between them. Widely used during the planning and design stages of building development, the new edition of BR 209 is a 'must have' for building and planning professionals. This guide gives advice on site layout planning t…
Chapter 1 Preparation Stage , 1-40 Chapter 2 Procurement Stage , 41-60 Chapter 3 Design Stage , 61-76 Chapter 4 Construction Preparation Stage , 77-89 Chapter 5 Construction Stage , 91-106 Chapter 6 Take over Stage , 107-117
Systems of Systems Engineering: Principles & Applications provides engineers with a definitive reference on this newly emerging technology, which is being embraced by such engineering giants as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon. The book covers the complete range of fundamental SoS topics, including modeling, simulation, architecture, control, communications, optimization, and applications.…
Bab 1 Sistem Bilangan & Pengkodean , 1-27 Bab 2 Elektronika Analog & Penerapannya , 29-57 Bab 3 Gerbang Logika , 59-79 Bab 4 Encoder, Multiplekser, &Demultiplekser,81-95 Bab 5 Timer, Flip-flop, & Shift Register , 97-119 Bab 6 Antarmuka ke Dunia Analog , 121-138 Bab 7 Penguat Operasional , 139-152 Bab 8 Mikroprosesor 8086 & 8088 , 153-184 Bab 9 Stack & Macro , 185-190 B…