Chapter 1 Introduction (to Power Electronics) , 1-19 Chapter 2 Review of Switching Concepts & Power Semiconductor Devices , 20-74 Chapter 3 Switching Circuits, Power Computations, and Component Concepts , 75-127 Chapter 4 Nonisolated Switch-Mode dc-dc Converters , 128-208 Chapter 5 Isolated Switch-Mode dc-to-dc Converters , 209-261 Chapter 6 Soft-Switching dc-d…
PART I INTRODUCTION (1-84) : 1 Introduction , 3-34 2 Control Loop Hardware , 35-84 PART II PROCESS DYNAMICS (85-232) : 3 Dynamic Modeling , 87-132 4 Laplace Transforms , 133-156 5 Transfer Functions , 157-200 6 Dynamic Behavior of Ideal Systems , 201-232 PART III PID Control (233-378) : 7 PID Control , 235-278 8 PID Controller Tuning , 279-296 9 PID Control…
PART I INTRODUCTION (1-106) : 1 Usability of Interactive Systems , 3-58 2 Guidelines, Principles, and Theories , 59-106 PART II DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES (107-210) : 3 Managing Design Processes , 109-138 4 Evaluating Interface Designs , 139-172 5 Software Tools , 173-210 PART III INTERACTION STYLES (211-450) : 6 Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments , 213-266 7…
Biomechatronic Design in Biotechnology presents a complete methodology of biomechatronics, an emerging variant of the mechatronics field that marries biology, electronics, and mechanics to create products where biological and biochemical, technical, human, management-and-goal, and information systems are combined and integrated in order to solve a mission that fulfills a human need. A biomechat…
Beam theories are exploited worldwide to analyze civil, mechanical, automotive, and aerospace structures. Many beam approaches have been proposed during the last centuries by eminent scientists such as Euler, Bernoulli, Navier, Timoshenko, Vlasov, etc. Most of these models are problem dependent: they provide reliable results for a given problem, for instance a given section and cannot be applie…
Chapter 1 Introduction to Power Quality , 1-54 Chapter 2 Harmonic Models of Transformers , 55-108 Chapter 3 Modeling and Analysis of Induction Machines , 109-154 Chapter 4 Modeling and Analysis of Synchronous Machines , 155-208 Chapter 5 Interaction of Harmonics with Capacitors , 209-226 Chapter 6 Lifetime Reduction of Transformers and I…
Power Quality in Electrical Systems enables you to: - Spot & correct key electric-power-quality problems - Achieve full compliance with IEEE standards - Examine switched mode power supplies, rectifiers, and other loads that produce interference - Catch up on the latest standby power systems - Explore power-quality case studies with problems and worked solutions. Inside T…
1 Cegukan & Kedutan bisa Berbahaya , 1 2 Menghilangkan Bau Cat , 3 3 Minum air pada Saat Perut Kosong , 4 4 Mengenal Tanda Serangan Jantung , 8 5 Kemoterapi Bukan Satu-satunya Terapi terhadap Kanker , 10 6 Wortel sebagai Antistroke , 17 7 Menghilangkan Noda Krayon pada Perabot Kayu ,19 8 Noni (Mengkudu) dapat Menyembuhkan Stroke , 20 9 Manfaat Kedelai , 2…
Segala sesuatu tentang Mikrokontroler PIC16F84 secara lengkap baik dari segi arsitektur, pembagian memori, aplikasi-aplikasi hingga cara menulis program dan menyimulasikannya. Topik bahasan buku ini meliputi: 1) Pengenalan Mikrokontroler 2) Arsitektur Mikrokontroler PIC16F84 3) Instruksi-instruksi PIC16F84 4) Konsep Pemrograman Assembly 5) Pemrograman Mikrokontroler PIC16F84 6) Interupsi…
Salient Features : - Systematic exposition of basic principles involved in operation, control, and analysis of modern power systems. - Detailed coverage of power system transients, circuit breakers, and protection. - Computational algorithms for various system studies presented. - Appendix on MATLAB & SIMULINK gives simulation programs for power system analysis. 1. I…
1 Introduction , 1-22 2 Modeling of Vibratory Systems , 23-68 3 Single Degree of Freedom Systems: Governing Equations , 69-126 4 Single Degree of Freedom System: Free Response Characteristics , 127-180 5 Single Degree of Freedom Systems Subjected to Periodic Excitations , 181-284 6 Single Degree of Freedom Systems Subjected to Transient Excitations , 285-336…
This book provides all the background needed to gain a thorough understanding of the most popular types of renewable enrgy-hydrogen, solar power, biomass, wind power, and marine power-from the ground up. While da Rosa's classic text continues to fulfill its original mission, illuminating the fundamental mechanisms and processes that underpin energy management, this new edition also offe…
Section A Introduction , 1-34 Section B Hand Tools , 35-86 Section C Dimensional Measurement , 87-192 Section D Materials , 193-234 Section E Layout , 235-262 Section F Preparation for Machining Operations,263 Section G Sawing Machines , 301-340 Section H Drilling Machines , 341-382 Section I Turning Machines , 383-510 Section J Vertical Milling Machines , 511-544 Se…
1 Getting Started: Introductory Concepts and Definitions , 1-30 2 Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics,31-79 3 Evaluating Properties , 80-145 4 Control Volume Analysis Using Energy , 146-211 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics , 212-254 6 Using Entropy , 255-328 7 Exergy Analysis , 329-389 8 Vapor Power Systems , 390-443 9 Gas Power Systems , 444-533 10 Refri…
1 Probability and Distributions , 1 2 Multivariate Distributions , 75 3 Some Special Distributions , 141 4 Some Elementary Statistical Inferences , 207 5 Consistency and Limiting Distributions , 295 6 Maximum Likelihood Methods , 327 7 Sufficiency , 383 8 Optimal Tests of Hypotheses , 439 9 Inferences About Normal Models , 485 10 Nonparametric and Robust Statistics , 537 11…
1. Basic Concept 2. Resistive Circuits 3. Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques 4. Operational Amplifiers 5. Additional Analysis Techniques 6. Capacitance and Inductance 7. First- and Second- Order Transient Circuits 8. AC Steady-State Analysis 9. Steady-State Power Analysis 10. Magnetically Coupled Networks 11. Polyphase Circuits 12. Variable-Frequency Network Performance 13.…
Professionals such as signal integrity engineers, package designers, and system architects need to thoroughly understand signal and power integrity issues in order to successfully design packages and boards for high speed systems. Now, for the first time, there's a complete guide to power integrity modeling: everything you need to know, from the basics through the state of the art. Usi…