Terjemahan karya Cindy Adams mengenai otobiografi Bung Karno ini telah mengalami cetak ulang berkali-kali, sejak pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1966. Tetapi di kemudian hari baru diketahui ternyata terdapat banyak kesalahan-kesalahan dalam terjemahan, bahkan ada juga selipan-selipan isi yang tidak ada pada naskah aslinya.Hal ini sempat menimbulkan kesalahpahaman pada beberapa tokoh nasiona…
Part 1 Welding Fundamentals 12 - 115 Part 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 116 - 189 Part 3 Gas Tungsten, Gas Metal, and Flux Cored Arc Welding 190 - 303 Part 4 Plasma Arc Cutting 304 - 319 Part 5 Oxyfuel Gas Processes 320 - 481 Part 6 Resistance Welding 482 -527 Part 7 Special Processes 528 - 707 Part 8 Metal Technology 708 - 769 Part 9 Professional Welding 770 -…
Konsep Zionis Suatu Hari akan Mengguncang seluruh Planet dan Menyebabkan Kematian Miliaran Penghuninya Satu kelompok saja yang bertanggung jawab atas hampir semua perang dan pertumpahan darah di muka bumi. Kelompok jahat ini berjumlah kecil, bagaikan seekor gurita yang mematikan, tentakel-tentakelnya terulur untuk mencengkeram dan mencekik banyak korban tak be…
Chapter 1 Creating a Need to Read in the City Classroom 1 Chapter 2 ‘Feed the Block’ by Terrence Hughes 7 Chapter 3 ‘Where the Time Went’ by Amy Alvarez 27 Chapter 4 ‘Permanent Record’ by Elroy Gay, as told to Andrew Ratner 61 Chapter 5 ‘A Good Girl (From the Bronx)’ by Amberdawn Collier 88 Chapter 6 ‘Snitch’ by G…
- Provides a self contained introduction to statistical pattern recognition. - Includes new material presenting the analysis of complex networks. - Introduces readers to methods for Bayesian density estimation. - Presents descriptions of new applications in bio- metrics, security, finance,& condition monitoring - Provides descriptions and guidance for implemen- ting techni…
* Provides open-ended activities to encourage written and spoken interaction in the class. * Concentrates on writing as a process, with opportunities for drafting, rewriting and collaboration between students. * Develops the writing skill, introducing learners to different types of writing and different ways to approach their own writing. * Contains brief teaching notes and an answer key, ma…
Writing 4 places writing in a central position in the advanced language class, presenting it as an activity which contributes to language learning in general. Throughout the book, learners are encouraged to use written English imaginatively and creatively to express their own ideas and to communicate with each other in the classroom. 1> Concentrates on writing as a process and presents a vari…
Writing 3 places writing in a central position in the upper-intermediate language class, presenting it as an activity which contributes to language learning in general. Throughout the book learners area encouraged to use written English imaginatively and creatively to express their own ideas and to communicate with each other in the classroom. 1) Concentrates on writing as a process, with an…
Writing 2 places writing in a central position in the intermediate language class, presenting it as an activity which contributes to language learning in general The emphasis throughout the book is ion encouraging learners to use English imaginatively and creatively to express their own ideas in writing and to communicate with each other in the classroom. 1) Provides open-ended activities to…
Preventive maintenance adalah suatu pengamatan secara sistematik disertai analis teknis-ekonomis untuk menjamin berfungsinya suatu peralatan produksi dan memperpanjang umur peralatan yang bersangkutan. Preventive maintenance dikatakan efektif bila dapat meurunkan unscheduled downtime (perawatan tak terjadwal), menurunkan biaya perawatan. meningkatkan keterampilan SDM, meningkatkan kapasitas pro…