Buku klasik terlaris ini, ditulis oleh penulis terkenal Clayton M. Christensen, membahas tentang inovasi disruptif. Karya Christensen telah dikutip oleh para pemimpin pemikiran terkemuka dunia, dari Steve Jobs hingga Malcolm Gladwell. Dalam buku terlaris ini—salah satu buku bisnis paling berpengaruh sepanjang masa—pakar inovasi Clayton Christensen menunjukkan bagaimana bahkan perusahaan …
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Total Output and Income Chapter 3: Production and Growth Chapter 4: Investment and Capital Expenditures Chapter 5: Employment and Unemployment Chapter 6: Spending, Profits and Expectations Chapter 7: Prices, Money, and Interest Rates Chapter 8: Stock Prices and International Trade
Through innovative ideas and professional skills, engineers can make the world a better place. In particular, fluid mechanics plays a very important role in the design, development, and analysis of systems from microscale appplications to giant hydroelectric power generation. For this reason, the study of fluid mechanics is essential to the background of an engineer. The approach in this text i…