16- Muatan Listrik dan Medan Listrik 17- Potensial Listrik dan Energi Listrik: Kapasitas 18- Arus Listrik 19- Rangkaian DC 20- Kemagnetan 21- Induksi Elektromagnetik dan Hukum Faraday: Arus Bolak-Balik 22- Gelombang Elektromagnetik 23- Cahaya : Optik Geometri 24- Sifat Gelombang Cahaya 25- Alat Optik 26- Lampiran
Housing shaft atau rumah poros adalah elemen mesin sebagai tempat dudukan, tempat tumpuan, atau rumah bagi poros. Housing shaft dibuat dengan metoda pengecoran dengan material yang digunakan adalah FC250 sesuai dengan standar JISG5501 yaitu memiliki nilai kekuatan tarik minimal 250 N/mm2 dan nilai kekerasan minimal 241 HB pada batang uji standar JISZ2201 yang terpisah dari cetakan. Pembuatan …
The 7th edition of ‘Statistical Quality Control’ provides a comprehensive treatment of the major aspects of using statistical methodology for quality control and improvement. Both traditional and modern methods are presented, including state of the art techniques for statistical process monitoring and control, and statistically designed experiments for process characterization, optimization…
The trusted guide to the statistical methods for quality control and improvement Quality control and improvement is more than an engineering concern. Quality has become a major business strategy for increasing productivity and gaining competitive advantage. Statistical Quality Control, A Modern Introduction, 6th edition gives you a sound understanding of the pri…
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : The following software was used to prepare the exercise solutions for ‘Introduction to Statistical Quality Control 7th edition by Douglas C Montgomery: . Minitab Statistical Software release 16 for Windows. Minitab Inc., State College, PA.MINITAB® and all other trademarks and logos for the Company’s products and services are the exclusive …