Buku ini telah direvisi dan diperbarui sepenuhnya, memberikan panduan praktis untuk semua aspek rencana bisnis. Termasuk studi kasus dan contoh. "Ideal untuk pengusaha dan pengambil keputusan di Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM). Sangat direkomendasikan." - George Cox, Direktur Jenderal, Institut Direktur. "Masih merupakan buku terbaik yang tersedia tentang subjek ini." - The Bookseller's Review o…
BAG. 2 PERENCANAAN ELEMEN-ELEMEN MEKANIK : Bab 10 Pegas Mekanis , 1-45 Bab 11 Bantalan Kontak Bergulir (Rolling Contact Bearing) , 46-79 Bab 12 Pelumasan & Bantalan Luncur , 80-135 Bab 13 Roda Gigi Lurus , 136-202 Bab 14 Roda Gigi Miring (Helical), Kerucut (Bevel), & Cacing (Worm) , 203-261 Bab 15 Poros , 262-288 Bab 16 Klos (Clutch), Rem (Brake), Kopling (Coup- …
PART 1 : PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN AND STRESS ANALYSIS 1. The Nature of Mechanical Design 2. Materials in Mechanical Design 3. Stress and Deformation Analysis 4. Combined Stresses and Stress Transformation 5. Design for Different Types of Loading 6. Columns PART 2 : DESIGN OF A MECHANICAL DRIVE 7. Belt Drives, Chain Drives, and Wire Rope 8. Kinematics of Gears 9. Spur Gear Design …
Part One PUMP CLASSES AND TYPES 1. Centrifugal Pumps 3 2. Rotary Pumps 31 3. Reciprocating Pumps 39 Part Two PUMP SELECTION 4. Head on a Pump 65 5. Pump Capacity 100 6. Liquid Handled 130 7. Piping Systems 163 8. Drives for Industrial Pumps 208 9. Pump Selection 229 10. Pumping-system Economics 245 Part Three PUMP APPLICATION 11. Power-Plant Services 271 12. Nuclear-e…
1 Introduction , 1-22 2 Modeling of Vibratory Systems , 23-68 3 Single Degree of Freedom Systems: Governing Equations , 69-126 4 Single Degree of Freedom System: Free Response Characteristics , 127-180 5 Single Degree of Freedom Systems Subjected to Periodic Excitations , 181-284 6 Single Degree of Freedom Systems Subjected to Transient Excitations , 285-336…
INTRODUCTION : 1 Introduction to High Integrity Die Casting Processes 2 Molten Metal Flow in High Integrity Die Casting Processes. HIGH INTEGRITY DIE CASTING PROCESSES : 3 Vacuum Die Casting 4 Squeeze Casting 5 Semi-Solid Metalworking 6 Thermal Balancing and Powder Die Lubricant Processes. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR HIGH INTEGRITY DIE CASTINGS : 7 Design for Manufacturability of …
By emphasizing similarities among types and styles, jig and fixture design, 5th edition speeds readers to a complete understanding of the why's and how's of designing and building a variety of different workholders for manufacturing. From simple template and plate-type jigs to complex channel and box-type tooling, this newly revised edition feature more than 500 illustrations of tools and appli…
Keep pace with the latest advances in jigs and fixtures with this valuable resource. Jig and Fixture Design 4E explains thoroughly how and why jigs and fixtures are designed and built. From simple template and plate type workholders to complex channel and box type tooling economy and simplicity in tool design is stressed throughout. This comprehensive guide is enhanced by more than 500 i…
Press tool adalah alat yang digunakan untuk membentuk atau memotong produk, dimana produk tersebut merupakan material plat, dan dalam proses pembentukan atau pemotongannya menggunakan bantuan mesin press. Pakaian merupakan salah satu kebutuhan primer, dan di zaman yang modern ini, produksi akan pakaian semakin meningkat dengan cepat. Seperti kita ketahui ada beberapa jenis pakaian, diantara…
PART I GEOMETRICAL DRAWING (1-144) : 2 to 6 Plane Geometry. 7 to 9 Orthographic Projection: First angle, Third angle. 10 to 22 Pictorial Projection: Isometric, Oblique, Axonometric, Perspective, Trimetric. 23 to 34 CONICS : Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola, Evolutes. 35 to 40 CYCLOIDS : Trochoids, Evolutes. 41 to 46 CAMS : Followers, Uniform Velocity, Simple Harmonic …
Themen, sebuah kursus bahasa Jerman untuk pemula yang terdiri dari tiga bagian. Kursus yang dirancang untuk siswa berusia 16 tahun ke atas ini mencakup semua kata dan unsur tata bahasa yang diperlukan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari. Dalam glosarium ini, pemakai akan menemukan * Pengantar yang menerangkan cara memanfaatkan buku ini sebagai pelengkap Buku Pelajaran - Kusbuch - dan Buku Latihan…
Informationen zu diesem Arbeitsbuch Lektionen 1-10 Grammatikubersicht I Lektionen 11-20 Karte von Grossbritannien und Irland Grammatikubersicht II Lektionen 21-30 Schlussel zu den Ubungen Grundzahlen Geld Die wichtigsten unregelmassigen Verben Grammatikregister Erklarung der Lautschrift