1 Baugeschehen 9 2 Baustoffe 56 3 Bauausfuehrung 163
In recent decades, the study of signal processing has become increasingly complex, with new technique and applications constantly being developed for the processing, transformation, and interpretation of signals. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the traditional and modern methods used in signal processing. It is designed to impart to the reader the mathematical techniques use …
1 Einleitung 1 2 Mathematische Grundlagen 5 3 Grundlagen der Elastizitaetstheorie 11 4 Prinzipien der virtuellen Arbeiten 95 5 Energieprinzipien 99 6 Lineare Stabtheorie 105 7 Prinzipien der virtuellen Arbeiten in der linearen Stabtheorie 197 8 Stabilitaetsprobleme 213 9 Anstrengungshypothesen 227 10 Nicht linear elastisches und anelastisches Materi…
Surface Mount Technology has had a profound influence on the electronics industry, and has led to the use of new materials, techniques and manufacturing processes. Since the first edition of this book was written, electronic assemblies have continued to become still smaller and more complex, while soldering still remains the dominant connecting technique. This is a comprehensive guide to the cu…
Buku ini terjemahan dari karya Hans Kelsen edisi English "Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory". Dalam buku ini Kelsen mengembangkan teori hukum murni. Sebuah teori hukum yang dimurnikan dari semua ideologi politik dan semua elemen ilmu alam. Boleh dikatakan, sebuah teori yang menyadari otonomi objek penyelidikannya dan dengan demikian menyadari karakternya yang unik. Pendahuluan 1…
Dasar-dasar farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik yang penting untuk dipahami dalam mata kuliah farmakologi. Obat untuk pengobatan alternatif dan komplementer. 1 Farmakologi dan Toksikologi Umum 1 2 Obat-obat yang bekerja pada Sistem Saraf Vegetatif 27 3 Antialergi/Antihistamin 86 4 Penanganan Sindrom Parkinson – Obat Penyakit Parkinson 100 5 Antikonvulsi 114 …
The new edition of the popular introduction to solid-state physics provides a comprehensive overview on basic theoretical and experimental concepts of material science. Special sections are devoted to important devices including GMR-sensors, amorphous materials, novel superconductors, nanostructures, quantum transport and metamaterials. GMR (Giant Magneto Resistance). 1 Chemical Bonding in…
TQM seems much more intangible than I had assumed. Without preparation on systemic views it would have been difficult to fulfil the assignment. The course has offered a solid base on knowledge of modern business. To understand the practical application of theory I looked at issues concerning TQM, it’s definition and on personal motivation. Project structure, objectives, approach and define …