1. An Introduction to Organization Theory; Management and Leadership Analysis 2. Structures, Formalized Processes and Rational Decisions - The Basics of the Structural Frameworks 3. An In-Depth Structural Framework - Lean, Team, Leadership and Projects 4. Human Resources, Relations and Competence - The Basics of the HR Frameworks 5. An In-Depth HR Frameworks - Motivation, Learning, Teams a…
This book discusses the latest advances in manufacturing and process control, with a special emphasis on digital manufacturing and intelligent technologies for manufacturing and industrial processes control. The human aspect of the developed technologies and products, their interaction with the users, as well as sustainability issues, are covered in detail. Development of new products using rap…
PART 1 : PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN AND STRESS ANALYSIS 1. The Nature of Mechanical Design 2. Materials in Mechanical Design 3. Stress and Deformation Analysis 4. Combined Stresses and Stress Transformation 5. Design for Different Types of Loading 6. Columns PART 2 : DESIGN OF A MECHANICAL DRIVE 7. Belt Drives, Chain Drives, and Wire Rope 8. Kinematics of Gears 9. Spur Gear Design …
This book introduces readers to various tools and techniques for the design of precision, miniature products, assemblies and associated manufacturing processes. In particular, it focuses on precision mechanisms, robotic devices and their control strategies, together with case studies. In the context of manufacturing process, the book highlights micro/nano machining/forming processes using non-c…
Buku manajemen sumber daya manusia ini berisikan sepuluh bab dengan cakupan yang meliputi materi antara lain: pembentukan konsep MSDM, perencanaan SDM, kriteria pekerjaan, rekrutmen pegawai teladan, membentuk kreativitas dan kinerja, pengembangan dan pelatihan pegawai, pengelolaan imbalan, pengembangan pribadi dan karir, motivasi pegawai, pengurangan pegawai
1. Mapping Projects: An Introduction 2. Valuing Projects 3. Defining Projects 4. Managing Projects 5. Executing Projects 6. Organizing Projects 7. Leading Projects 8. Teaming in Projects 9. Managing Uncertainty in Projects 10.Collaborating with Stakeholders in Projects 11.Learnng and Innovating in Projects 12,Complexifying Projects 13. Ending Projects
Part 1 Marketing Transformation in a digital Word 1. Challenges Facing the New Marketing Organization 2. Seing Real-Time into the Consumer's Mind 3. Architecting Data-Driven Buyer Personas 4. Personalizing the Customer Journey and Activating Brand Purpose Part 2 Building the Content Marketing Supply Chain 5. Designing Experiences to WOW Customers 6. Winning with Content Marketing and S…
This Sixth Edition is a timely update to the well-known textbook that uniquely combines descriptive information with mathematical modeling of manufacturin processes. This update preserves the same basic features and pedagogy of it previous editions, with a major emphasis on covering the latest advances and developments in a wide range of topics in manufacturing engineering. • Th…
1. Optimization : The Big Idea 1.1 Design Space 1.2 What Optimum? 2. Getting Started Optimization: Problem of a Single Variable 2.1 The Lifeguard Problem 2.2 Maximum Range 2.3 Maximum Electrical Power 2.4 Shortest Path for a Toy Car 2.5 Weight Snap-Through Spring 2.6 Solution Methods 2.7 Finding Roots Using Minimization 2.8 Optimizing Process: Ocean Shipping Routes. 2.9 MATLAB…
BAB 1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1. Sang Pahlawan 2. Pengertian 3. Hakikat/Esensi 4. Ciri dan Sifat 5. Sukap Entrepreneur 6. Kemampuan Entrepreneur 7. Kompetensi 8. Skill yang Dibutuhkan 9. Faktor pada Entrepreneur 10. Technopreneurship 11. Kisah Sukses para Entrepreneur BAB 2 AKTIVITAS BISNIS 1. Bisnis 2. Evolusi Bisnis 3. Sumber Daya 4. Sistem Ekonomi 5. Persaingan Bisnis 6. Lingkun…
Introduction to Plastics Engineering The authoritative introduction to all aspects of plastics engineering-offering both academic and industry perspectives in one complete volume. Introduction to Plastics Engineering provides a self-contained introduction to plastics engineering A unique synergistic approach explores all aspects of material use- concepts, mechanics, materials, part design…
KOMUNIKASI BISNIS Komunikasi memiliki peran penting terhadap suksesnya suatu bisnis: Dibutuhkan keahlian tersendir dalam mengaplikasikan kemampuan berkomunikasi khususnya datam bisnis Komunikasi bisnis dipandang sebagai seni dalam mengutarakan berbagai maksud yang tertera dalam berbagai aktivitas bisnis. Komunikasi bisnis tidak hanya berbicara tentang verbal maupun non verbal, namun juga b…
"KESIBUKAN ADALAH MASALAH” MENGETAHUI BAGAIMANA MENGELOLANYA ADALAH SOLUSI Apakah Anda • Merasa terus menya-nyiakan waktu • Berharap tidak hanya dapat menyelesaikan segala sesuatu, namun juga menikmatinya? • Kesulitan menerobos satu minggu yang banyak gangguan ke minggu berikutnya? • Hidup hanya untuk berakhir pekan dan mencari kesempatan menumpangkan kaki ke atas mej…
"Ketika saya membaca buku ini, Masbukhin yang punya latar belakang sebagai karyawan sekaligus pengusaha, ternyata bisa memberikan cara-cara mudah untuk berpindah profesi dari karyawan menjadi pengusaha secara sangat sederhana, step by step Safir Senduk Pengarang Baku Baka Usaha Gak Bisa Kaya? Percuma.] "Masbukhin merupakan salah satu siswa Entrepreneur University (EU) yang bisa melakukan …
Banyak cara dilakukan untuk mencapai keadaan tubuh yang sehat dan wajah yang bersih serta rupawan atau cantik. Namun, sebagian besar orang memperolehnya dengan bantuan obat-obatan dan peralatan supermodern yang mahal biayanya. H. K. Kwan, penulis buku ini, meneruskan tradisi (terapi) yang sudah dipraktikkan di China selama berabad-abad, yakni Totok Aura/Wajah Meridan 312, dibantu dengan olah pe…
Contents Part I Introduction 1 CNC Programming 1.1 Part Programming... 1.1.1 Methods of Part Programming 1.2 Part Programming Structure.. 1.2.1 Character 1.2.2 Word... 1.2.3 Block 1.2.4 Program.. 1.3 Programming Formats.. 1.3.1 Fixed Block Format 1.3.2 Tab Sequential Format 1.3.3 Word Address Format 1.4 Standard Codes.... 1.4.1 Preparatory Functions (G) 1.4.2 Miscellaneous Fu…
Written using both imperial and metric systems, this book presents numerous case studies relevant to both industrial and academic domains. These studies, detailed according to class and industry, focus on real projects and are provided along with succinct solutions and comments. This work is essentially a summary of the mechanical design course. A wide range of singular examples and mechanis…
BAB 1 Konsep Manajemen Strategik 1.1 Manajemen Strategik 1.1.1 Definisi Manajemen 1.1.2 Definisi Strategi 1.1.3 Definisi Manajemen Strategik 1.2 Pentingnya Manajemen Strategik bagi Organisasi 1.3 Tahapan Manajemen Strategik 1.4 Manfaat Manajemen Strategik 1.5 Karakteristik Manajemen Strategik 1.6 Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh dalam Manajemen Strategik 1.7 Risiko Manajemen Str…
Pemimpin dibutuhkan dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan. Kepemimpinan yang efektif dibutuhkan dalam organisasi atau negara. Buku ini membahas tentang konsep dasar pemimpin dan kepemimpinan, serta menjelaskan beberapa hal yang mendukung seorang pemimpin dalam menjalankan peran kepemimpinannya secara efektif. Dalam buku ini, penulis berupaya memberikan pemahaman yang baik tentang kepemimpinan sehingga …
BRIEF CONTENTS List of case studiesAbout the Ninth Edition How to use this book About the author Online resources Guided tour Tips on writing up strategic projects Part 1 Introduction 1 Strategic management 2 A review of theory and practice Part 2 Strategic analysis and purpose 3 Analysing the strategic environment 4 Analysing resources and capabilities 5 Strategy dynamics 6 Pres…